I think it is safe to say that the whole world is experiencing unusual times with this recent pandemic. People are getting sick, some are dying, some aren’t experiencing any symptoms at all yet are still contagious, we are isolated from our friends and family, sporting events are cancelled, restaurants and other non-essential businesses are closed, people are walking around with gloves and face masks, there is a shortage of protective gear for our essential workforce, and common sense seems to have left some people (including our government). Shelves in our grocery stores are depleting and some of our food manufacturers have closed with a possible shortage of meat in our local grocery stores as well. Not to mention the political upheaval/lack of leadership here in the United States with name-calling, greed, and ego at the forefront. Where does that leave us? Lonely, frustrated, worried, scared, and bewildered with all of the miscellaneous information thrown at us on a regular basis.
What can we do? Take care of ourselves and our family. Be proactive by cleansing your home, following good hygiene, and eating correctly. Get enough sleep! Strengthen your immunity by doing all of these things and adding in food/dietary supplements/herbs to your everyday routine. Antioxidants in many fruits and vegetables; as well as, kitchen herbs! Cook with garlic and onions, eat mushrooms/take mushroom dietary supplements, make bone broth, or take Vitamins C and D or Zinc. Essential workers need this more even though its harder to get enough sleep or eat correctly. This is when dietary supplements can help. Adaptogen herbs, immune enhancing herbs, nervines, and sedatives could help an individual if needed. Each person should do their own research into each individual herb and make sure there are no contraindications/interactions especially if they are currently taking pharmaceutical medications. They can also make the bone broth or have someone staying home make it and drink it daily. There are many great resources currently available about this pandemic and helpful advice from many different practitioners at the American Herbalist Guild website at https://www.americanherbalistsguild.com Please take a look!
Ballota nigra
What am I doing extra? I find that my nervous system needs to be supported. I get that from holy basil infusion, milky oats tincture, blended infusions with linden and rose, and occasionally kava kava. I practice deep breathing when I feel my anxiety increasing. At the time of an anxiety episode, I will utilize Black horehound (Ballota nigra) tincture at 30-60 drops to help control my breathing while bringing myself back to focus. I have also started back on Magnesium glycinate and B-complex vitamins along with Vitamin D supplementation to support my nervous system and immunity. I have also been known to shut the news off and get off of social media for a break when needed. I read, crochet, take classes, go for walks in nature, listen to nature, and laugh with my family. Those are some of the things I do for myself. Self-care is important at this time too.
It is beginning to be a different world right now. All of us are finding new ways to do business, shop, have family time, and still gather with friends all online! People are interested again in growing their own vegetables. Some are finding hope in the everyday things around them and creating their own happiness. Others are struggling day-to-day and just trying to survive. I pray all of us can get through this pandemic and come out of this with new perspectives, new education, new hobbies, and clearer insight. I pray for those that are suffering and need help in the form of guidance, finances, and camaraderie. Nobody can walk in the other’s shoes, but we can walk together.
I am here for guidance in the form of consultations (offered at a discounted rate right now) if you need me, and I am offering classes to the public online. Check my Events page for more information. New classes added throughout the month. Please contact me if you are interested in any of my services.