Last year was difficult for many reasons, not only because of the pandemic. It was difficult to keep business going as usual at Ancestral Herbology, but I managed to make it work. I missed the contact with my clients, the hugs, the classes with live students, seeing other supporting faces in person, and sharing my advice and expertise at conferences.
I spent my time delivering groceries weekly to my mother, developing online classes, writing articles, volunteering for council, and reaching my clients over Zoom. I also worked quietly in my gardens, took walks in the woods, and gathered my herbs for medicine. I found that business was slower and I had extra time to finally start writing my book series. The series is called, “Simple Training for the Modern-Day Herbalist”! I am excited to have the outlines done, the book proposal finished, and the first chapters written. I want to help people who can’t afford tuition or classes self-study in herbalism with guidance from an experienced herbal practitioner. Each series will inspire, empower, and guide the reader in simple steps to learn herbalism. They include advice, exercises, and quizzes in every part of the book so that the student can comprehend each step of the way before moving on to the next section. Each student will be able to set up their own medicine chest, and have the knowledge to use it by the end of the first book in this series. If you want to be one of the first to know about the publication of this series, please join my mailing list.
Last month, I opened my office to seeing clients once again, and it has been wonderful seeing each of them. I still utilize a safe distance or hold the consultations outside if possible. I am also busy volunteering for the American Herbalists Guild as the Treasurer and Governance Chair. My mother recently had a second stroke, and I had to cancel all my classes this year so I had time to take care of her when needed. I am very sorry that my students and potential students had to be postponed this growing season. I will be offering classes online once again beginning in the autumn season when my own gardening and harvesting slows down. I am also a first-time grandmother now with my granddaughter entering this world on August 2, 2021 at a healthy 9 pounds and 3 ounces! I am looking forward to watching this little baby grow and experiencing the joy of being a grandparent.
Please keep watching the Events page for the addition of new classes starting this October. If you are looking for additional training, or are wanting to learn more about herbalism, register for the American Herbalists Guild 32nd annual Symposium. This year, we had to offer our 32nd annual Symposium virtually to keep everyone safe. Early Bird registration ends on September 1st. Please visit Join the Experience! | American Herbalists Guild for more information